Saturday, 28 April 2012

Scan Product Keys for Software's with Product Key Reader..!!

Product Key Reader is a software than will scan your computer for product keys of installed software's that can be used for backing them up for future use, so now you do not need to afraid of loosing any keys because you have this amazing tool for scanning them up for you anytime.
Product Key Reader is available for free and can be used unlimited times for backup purpose, this free version supports almost 100+ software installed on your system and there is also a premium version which comes bundled with many premium features like supporting 3000+ software's.

produkt key reader 

So for the full list of software's supported you can check out this page and you can download it for free from their official download page. Now just download it and scan for all the product keys and back them up so that if anytime you loose them you have a secure backup ready to get it on.

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